Thanks to the Digital Equity Alliance for this announcement:

Please take this survey! 

Help us assess how the digital divide is impacting our community.

This survey is being conducted by three United Ways in the Pioneer Valley representing Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties. The survey is on behalf of the Digital Equity Alliance, a coalition of organizations working to reduce the barriers of the Digital Divide for people living throughout our region. The purpose of the survey is to build an inventory of community level issues and impacts caused by an inability to connect to the Internet and locally generated solutions you and other organizations have developed to address this situation in the current moment. The Alliance will use this data to look for practical and systematic solutions for people in all 69 communities of the region.

Please feel free to share this with others, including those in your organization, who may have additional perspectives or information regarding the Digital Divide. 

The survey will take approximately 8 minutes to complete. It will close at the end of the day, Dec. 31, 2020. The link to the survey is: (or visit

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