4th Annual Resource Fair for Providers and Legislator Thank-you  - Attendance Registration
Please join us on Friday, June 5, 9:30 am - 12 noon, Kittredge Center, Room 301-303, Holyoke Community College to exchange resource information to help prevent and end homelessness in Western Massachusetts. From 10 am - 10:30 am, we will host our Western MA legislators to provide a brief progress report and to collectively thank them for their commitment to this issue.  

Participating providers will include non-profits and state agencies providing services in housing, emergency shelter, domestic violence, mental health care and substance use treatment, workforce development, early education and child care and more, for all populations, including: families, individuals, youth and veterans. The event is free of charge and all providers are welcome!

Note: In order to meet our space limitations, our Network committees are determining the resource fair information providers.  We will maximize the cross-section in service and geography to best meet your needs!
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